JIANG Xuan,LI Yongzhen*.Stream cipher algorithm based on Hash chain[J].Journal of Yanbian University,2015,41(03):249-253.
- Title:
- Stream cipher algorithm based on Hash chain
- 分类号:
- TP309.7
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了设计出能应用于无线移动通信的序列密码算法,提出了一种将单分组散列函数应用于哈希链方法的序列密码算法(SC-SBH).该算法首先用哈希链的方法对单分组散列函数进行循环运算,将运算的每一次结果值输出后连接成序列密码的密钥序列,然后将明文与密钥序列进行按位异或运算得到密文.实现SC-SBH算法后,对其安全性和随机性进行了测试,并将其运行效率与SC-MD5和SC-SHA算法进行了比较.实验结果表明,SC-SBH算法在加密方面不仅能够保证安全性,而且其运行效率明显高于SC-MD5和SC-SHA算法.
- Abstract:
- We proposed a new stream cipher in this article to apply in the wireless mobile communications, new stream cipher implemented by Single-Block hash function based on Hash chain method. In this new algorithm, the Single-Block hash function processes loop operation adopted Hash chain method firstly, then links the output of each operation into the Stream Cipher key sequence, finally cipher text is obtained by bit XOR operation of plaintext and key sequence. After the realization of SC-SBH, we have tested its randomness and security, and have made comparison with SC-MD5 and SC-SHA in efficiency. The experimental results showed that the SC-SBH algorithm not only can ensure safety, but also have high efficiency relative to SC-MD5 and SC-SHA.
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收稿日期: 2015-06-26*通信作者: 李永珍(1971—),男,博士,副教授,研究方向为网络安全、无线网络协议.