WEI Lin,CUI Rongyi,JIN Jingxuan*.Moving target detection algorithm based on gradientthreshold and feature suppression[J].Journal of Yanbian University,2017,43(01):37-42.
- Title:
- Moving target detection algorithm based on gradient threshold and feature suppression
- 分类号:
- TP391.41
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 提出了一种基于梯度阈值和特征抑制的光流运动目标检测算法.首先将LK光流法和HS光流法思想进行互补,在梯度值较大的点使用亮度约束,梯度值较小的点使用平滑约束; 然后采用特征抑制方法,筛选能够确定运动目标位置的光流点; 最后检测出完整的运动目标.实验结果表明,本文算法提高了运动目标检测的准确度,而且实时性较好.
- Abstract:
- In this paper, we propose a new optical flow moving object detection algorithm based on gradient threshold and feature suppression. First we adopt LK optical flow method and HS optical flow method to complement each other. We use the brightness constraints on the points with large gradient and the smooth constraints on those with small gradient. Then combining with feature suppression method, the algorithm screen the optical flow points to determine the location of moving, and ultimately moving target. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the detection accuracy of real moving objects, and has better real-time performance.
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收稿日期: 2016-12-06
*通信作者: 金王景璇(1972—),女,副教授,研究方向为智能信息处理.