DONG Zhen,JIN Shizhu*.Study on primary and secondary school layout adjustment in Longjing city based on GIS[J].Journal of Yanbian University,2015,41(01):68-73.
- Title:
- Study on primary and secondary school layout adjustment in Longjing city based on GIS
- 分类号:
- G40-054
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 运用GIS的缓冲区分析、最近距离分析等方法,对龙井市1997年和2013年的中小学布局进行了对比分析,结果显示:朝鲜族学校和汉族学校的服务范围均缩小,其中朝鲜族学校的减幅为46.9%,汉族学校的减幅为1.4%; 朝汉学校的分布由比较均匀向集中分布的趋势明显; 朝汉学校学生的上学距离均有所增加,其中朝鲜族学校学生的平均上学距离的增加较为明显,由1997年的2 249 m增加到2013年的4 511 m,而汉族学校学生的平均上学距离变化不大,由1997年的5 932 m增加到2013年的5 975 m.解决存在问题的措施为:暂缓偏远农村地区的集中办学的进程; 减免贫困家庭学生的乘车费用; 政府应采取多种办法解决农村学生交通难、交通安全等问题,保障贫困少数民族地区学生受教育的权利.
- Abstract:
- Using buffer analysis and the nearest distance analysis methods consist in Geographic Information System(GIS), contrastive analysis on the layout adjustment of primary and secondary school in Longjing city in 1997 and 2013 is illustrated in this paper. The results show that the service scope from Korean and Han nationality schools are both diminished. The Korean nationality schools led the decline with a 46.9 percent fall off in demand while the Han nationality schools only 1.4 percent. In the meantime, the distribution of Korean and Han nationality schools tend to the obvious concentrated distribution from the original uniform, what’s more, the students of Korean and Han nationality schools suffer from longer distance for school, especially to those students of the Korean nationality schools, the average distance increased from 2 249(in 1997)to 4 511 meter(in 2013), while to the students of the Han nationality schools, the average distance changes are small, just increased from 5 932(in 1997)to 5 975 meter(in 2013).The solutions to these solving problems is proposed, postpone the progress of building new schools in remote or rural areas, relief traffic cost for the students from poverty families, ensure the education right of students from poor ethnic minority areas.
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收稿日期: 2014-11-11 *通信作者: 金石柱(1968—),男,博士,教授,研究方向为历史文化地理学和地理教育.基金项目: 吉林省教育科学“十二五”规划课题(GH11043); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41161025)