WANG Xiaoyu,CAI Jingzhe*.Design and implementation of code obfuscator for cocos2dx[J].Journal of Yanbian University,2015,41(01):64-67.
- Title:
- Design and implementation of code obfuscator for cocos2dx
- Keywords:
- obfuscated code; mobile phone software; code matching
- 分类号:
- TP399
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对目前使用的代码混淆技术不能完全适用于手机的问题,在分析常用的代码混淆技术的基础上,提出用于手机引擎cocos2dx的基于代码匹配的混淆方法,即在外形(layout)混淆的基础上利用代码匹配技术搜索相同功能的代码并替换成更难让人读懂的形态.试验分析表明,该方法的混淆效果好于传统外形混淆效果,执行程序过程中不仅没有降低运行效率,在某些情况下运行效率还有所提升.
- Abstract:
- Aiming at the problem that currently used obfuscated code techniques are inapplicable to mobile phones, we propose a code matching based obfuscation method used for mobile phone engine cocos2dx, by analyzing commonly used obfuscated code techniques. That is based on the layout obfuscation, using the code matching technique to search code with the same function and replace it into a more unreadable form. Test analysis shows that the proposed method achieves better effect of obfuscation than traditional layout obfuscation. In the process of execution program, the operation efficiency is not only not reduced, but also slightly increased in some cases.
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收稿日期: 2014-12-03*通信作者: 蔡京哲(1969—),男,副教授,研究方向为自然语言处理.